Barbie Wiki

Superstar Barbie 1977

SuperStar is a Barbie face sculpt first introduced for SuperStar Barbie Doll (9720-1977) in 1977.


Barbie was given a fresh and hip new face for the SuperStar Barbie doll to represent the glamour of the 70's Disco Era, and it started what is unofficially known as the SuperStar Barbie era. Up until the introduction of the CEO / Generation Girl Face Sculpt ©1998 in 1998, it was Barbie's official face. As the face sculpt was used for over 2 decades for hundreds of dolls, playline and collector, it can be very difficult to identify each and every one of them as they're so ubiquitous. The best way to tell is by looking at the doll's makeup, or how their eyes are painted. SuperStar-faced dolls from the 70's had narrower lips and eyes, and it wasn't until the 80's and 90's that Barbies with this face began having the iconic fluffy hair and large, opulent eyes.


  • This was the first Barbie face sculpt to have a smile.