Dr. No Barbie, also known as Honey Ryder Barbie, is a Black Label Collector Barbie designed by Linda Kyaw and the third and final doll to be released in the first wave of the Barbie Loves Bond Collection, a series of dolls based on various Bond Girls from the James Bond 007 films.
The doll is dressed in a movie-accurate outfit, wearing the iconic white bikini with a scabbard on her hip, holding her sheathed knife. The doll also carries one lone accessory, a pearl-white clutch. She also has rooted eyelashes.
- Just like with Goldfinger Barbie and Die Another Day Barbie, the background of her box has the gun barrel art, in reference to the opening and closing credits of a 007 film. This background art was dropped from the second wave of Bond Girl dolls, making her the last to feature it.
- Dr. No Barbie is the first doll in the collection to use the Daria face mold, with the second being Octopussy Barbie. They're the only two dolls in the series to use the same face mold.